Our Staff

Ms. Sallyann, Director
Over 30 years experience teaching the Montessori Method.
Ms. Bethany, Preschool/Kindergarten Teacher
Ms. Bethany was one of the first students at the Montessori Discovery School. She has received her bachelors degree in Marine Biology and then obtained her Montessori Teaching Certificate. She loves doing fun science experiments with the children and has worked at the school for over 12 years.
Ms. Cathy, Preschool Teacher
Ms. Cathy fell in love with the Montessori method, got her Associates degree in early Education, and then obtained her Montessori Teaching Certificate. She has worked at the school for over 10 years.
Ms. Emily, Preschool Teacher
Ms. Emily started working for the school when she was 16 years old in our Summer Camp Program.  Ms. Emily found that she loved the wonder and curiosity of the 3 year olds, so she obtained her Montessori Teaching Certificate and has been with the school for over 8 years.
Ms. Winter, Preschool Teacher Assistant
Ms. Winter is also a past student of the Montessori Discovery School.  She has always loved being a helper and teacher to other children. Therefore, she obtained her Montessori Teacher Assistant Certificate and has worked beside Ms. Cathy in the preschool room for over 7 years. In addition to working at the school she is working on getting her degree in Psychology.
Ms. Martha Aftercare Supervisor
Ms. Martha started in the office then fell in love being with the children so much that she moved into the Aftercare Supervisor position. She has been with the school for over 20 years.
Mr. Sonny Aftercare Assistant
Mr. Sonny is married to Ms. Martha and they make quite the famous fun duo in aftercare. They engage the children in crafts, games, and music.  Sonny also plays the guitar and loves having group sing every afternoon.

We also have many 16 year old classroom assistants who are previous students who hope to be future teachers of ours. They love coming and helping with Summer Camp and playing with the children after school.