Finding the Right Preschool

Montessori Discovery SchoolAs you research preschool and Kindergarten options for your child in the Upper Valley region, you will have a handful of choices. There are a variety of early childhood education methods offered, which can be overwhelming.

We are a Montessori-based learning environment, however, we want to help you make the right choice for your child and your family.

Here are several questions to consider when finding the right preschool and kindergarten for your child:

  • Are the teachers all certified to teach the method they subscribe to, or in early childhood education?
  • What is the maximum and average student-teacher ratio and to what extent is the learning individualized for each child?
  • Are visits during active class time encouraged in order to see the students and teachers interacting?
  • Is this program offering our family the flexibility we’ll need to accommodate our varying work/life schedules over the course of a year?
  • How do the costs of these different programs compare to each other, based on length of school year and hours in classroom with teachers?

There are many resources out there to help with your research. You can ask your employer, neighbors, or the other parents at your gym or church.  And just because a school follows a certain well-known methodology, realize that there may be variations in the way they adapt the curriculum or approach. This is the case with Montessori Discovery School, where the approach has been slightly modified from the purely traditional method in order to best serve the needs of our community. You can read more about that on our Montessori Method page.

We welcome you to visit during an active classroom session to get a sense of the joy and mutual respect that envelops our classrooms!