Morning & Aftercare

In order to meet the varying needs of families, we offer morning and aftercare options Monday through Friday. You are only charged for the hours that your child is in our care, and not for anything more.  Any time you need to change your schedule, we can generally accommodate your needs.
Early Morning Program
For our early birds, we open at 7:30 a.m. Children can bring along their breakfast.
Then it’s time for free play, stories, music, and fun until classes begin at 8:30.
7:30-8:30 AM
Cost: $10
Aftercare Program
Our Aftercare program starts after morning or kindergarten classes end.  This will give your child the opportunity for supervised play inside and out.
Crafts, singing, quiet time, games, and lots and lots of fun!!!
Cost: $5 per 1/2 hour